Tutorial talk:Raids

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Pārlēkt uz: navigācija, meklēt
2. rindiņa: 2. rindiņa:
* The best way to check the optimal attacking fleet is a so called {{Link|Combat simulator}}.
* The best way to check the optimal attacking fleet is a so called {{Link|Combat simulator}}.
* If you attack inactive players, the rules will generally not be in force. (this depends on the rules in your community, see {{Link|Tutorial:Rules and Problems}})

Versija, kas saglabāta 23:48, 13 Janvārs 2011

Satura rādītājs

Added links to other pages :

  • The best way to check the optimal attacking fleet is a so called Combat simulator.
  • If you attack inactive players, the rules will generally not be in force. (this depends on the rules in your community, see Rules & Problems)

Content changes :

General information :


  • This part is new.
  • This part is deleted.
Lietotāja rīki
