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Bir süre etrafa göz attıktan sonra oyunun temel unsurlarını öğrendiğinizden dolayı, artık hesabınızı inşa etmeye başlayabileceksiniz. Menü öğelerinden birçoğunu henüz yapamadığınızdan dolayı, yapı inşaatıyla, daha kesin söylersek, kaynak üretiminden sorumlu olan maden inşaatıyla işe başlayacağız.

Kaynakların inşaatı

"Kaynaklar" düğmesine tıklayarak ilgili menüye girin ve listedeki ilk yapı olan metal madenine tıklayınız. "Geliştir" düğmesine tıkladığınızda gerekli kaynaklar kredinizden düşülecek ve bir geriye sayım başlayacaktır. Bu geriye sayım sona erdiğinde, ilk yapınızı, yani metal madeni seviye 1'i inşa etmiş olacaksınız. Enerji olmadan maden herhangi bir kaynak üretemez, bu nedenle bir solar santralini inşa etmeniz gerekmektedir. O zamana kadar, herhangi bir metal üretilmeyecek ve bunu kaynak ayarınızda görebilirsiniz.

Resource menu
Resource menu
Building a metal mine
Building a metal mine
Building under construction
Building under construction
Cancel expansion
Cancel expansion

Hatayla, yanlış bir yapı inşaat etmeye başladı iseniz, inşaat devam ederken inşaatı iptal edebilirsiniz. Bunun için, Yapıların altında mevcut yapı sırasını görebileceğiniz yere kadar biraz kaydırın ve buradaki kırmızı "X" simgesine tıklayın. Şimdi de kontrol sorusunu onaylayın ve inşaat iptal edilmiş olacak ve kaynaklar size %100 geri ödenecektir. Hatanız geç fark etmiş ve yapınız çoktan tamamlanmış ise, iptal edemezsiniz. Tamamlanan yapıların yıkımı mümkündür, ancak kaynaklarınızı geri almak yerine, yıkım için fazladan kaynak kullanmanız gerekecektir. Oyunun başında bunun tavsiye edilmemesinden dolayı, inşa edeceğiniz yapıları seçerken dikkatli olmanız daha iyi olacaktır.
The first mine is now producing a constant flow of resources and of course you have to go a little further now. Besides the Metal Mine, the Crystal Mine is very important, later the Deuterium Synthesizer. With those you have all 3 types of resources covered. As you you can only build every building once on each planet, you have to upgrade their level. With every level, the deconstruction costs, the costs for the new level and the production will increase.

Insufficient energy
Insufficient energy
Resource settings
Resource settings

Also make sure that you upgrade your Solar Planet sufficiently, because your mines can only produce at 100% if you have enough energy. You can see if you have enough energy by looking at the resources list. When your energy level is shown in red, you have to upgrade your solar plant urgently. If after that your energy is still shown in red, you can go to your resources settings and change the production factor of some mines so your other mines can produce at 100%. Because of this, you can often faster obtain the resources you need for your next building project. At a later stage of the game, you have 2 other alternatives for energy production besides of the solar plant.This will be explained in the chapter Energy production.

Tutorial Reward:
As soon as your planet has a metal mine level 4, a crystal mine level 2 and a solar plant level 4, you will receive 150 metal and 75 crystal from the ingame tutorial.

Both of these resources are specially important at the start of the game, to upgrade your mines. Soon the third resource, named deuterium, will take start playing a central role. Therefore you now have to upgrade your deuterium synthesizer to level 2. Be careful though, the production of deuterium costs a lot of energy and goes very slow. Make sure your solar plant level is sufficient. When you are out of resources, you have to wait until your mines have produced enough to finance the next level.

The basic defense

Not only the resource buildings are important, under “facilities”, there are basic game elements also. For starters you should build the robotics factory, as soon as you are content with your mines. It does not only reduce the time for completion, but also it unlocks, with level two, a new building, the shipyard. You need the yard to build ships and defensive structures, therefore it is one of the most important buildings of the game.

Facility menu
Facility menu
Building a rocket launcher
Building a rocket launcher

First of all you need to build the first level, you are now capable of building your first rocket launcher to protect your planet . Go to the defense menu and select the rocket launcher. If you have enough metal, you can now build a rocket launcher. After the countdown, your planet will be a bit safer.

Tutorial Reward:
With the completion of your first rocket launcher, you automatically get a second one.

But not only rocket launchers, also other defense structures and ships can be build in the shipyard, as soon as you have fulfilled some requirements. How you have to fulfil those, and what the research lab is used for, will be explained in the next chapter. The other buildings, which you find under facilities, aren't important yet at this stage and will be explained in the next chapters.

Never being glad

Your primary economic system is built, but you should not rest on it too long. The mines at the beginning are the only way to get resources, and for your next projects, you will need a lot of them. Because of that, you should spend time on improving your mines, again, before you deal with the next chapter. In the further process of the game, you should improve your mines more and more, because it is the easiest way to produce resources, and besides they cannot be destroyed like ships and defensive structures.

Tutorial Reward:
As soon as you have a metal mine level 10, a crystalmine level 7 and a deuterium synthesizer level 5, you'll get a reward of 2000 metal and 500 crystal.
Full Storage capacity
Full Storage capacity

The storages are another important item to which you have to pay attention, besides the energy supply. There are storages for every resource, which buffer the produced resources. The higher the metal storage, the crystal storage and the deuterium tank are improved, the more resources they can store. As soon as the storage capacity is nearly full, the according resource will be coloured yellow in the resource bar; if it is full, it will be red. In this case the mine cannot continue to produce. Because of that, you will lose important resources, with every minute, in which the storage is overloaded. For this reason, watch out that your storages are adapted to your mine production.

With an efficient economy and the first defensive structures, you are now well-trained and ready for the next chapter Savunma.

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