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(Combat researches)
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Línea 1: Línea 1:
OGame'de ilerlemek istiyorsanız, kendinizi binalar ve savaş birimleriyle sınırlandıramazsınız. Ayrıca, araştırmaya zaman harcamanız gerekmektedir, çünkü araştırma ile yeni bilgiler edinerek, daha güçlü gemiler inşa edebilir ve daha fazla gezegende koloni kurabilirsiniz. İmparatorluğunuzu geliştirirken araştırmaya yatırım yapmayı asla unutmayın, yoksa diğer oyunculardan geri kalırsınız.
If you want to advance in OGame, you cannot limit yourself to buildings and battle units. You also have to spend time on research, because by acquiring new knowledge through research, you will be able to build more powerful ships and colonize more planets. So always remember to invest in research while upgrading your empire, in order not to fall behind in comparison to the other players.
==The power of knowledge==
OGame'in araştırma sistemi gerçekten basit ve anlaşılması kolaydır. Her şeyden önce, tesislerde bulabileceğiniz bir araştırma Laboratuvarını inşa etmeniz gerekmektedir. Bundan sonra, araştırma listesini görebilirsiniz. Şu anda, araştırmaların birçoğu gri renklidir yani şartların karşılanmadığı anlamına gelmektedir. Birçok araştırma en azından belirli bir seviyede araştırma Laboratuvarı veya x seviyesindeki başka bir araştırma gerektirir - ilgili teknoloji ağacına tıkladığınızda mantığını anlayacaksınız. Bu ilke araştırmaların sadece yavaş yavaş yapılabilmesini sağlar, bu nedenle en başta bu konu da stres yaşamayacaksınız.
The research system of OGame is actually straight-lined and easy to understand. First of all, you have to build a Research Lab, which you can find at the Facilities. After that you already can see the list of researches. At the moment, most of the researches are colored gray; that means that the requirements are not met. Lots of researches require a Research Lab on at least a certain level or another research on level x, before those are activated – one click on the belonging Techtree provides some clarity. This principle ensures that researches can only be achieved little by little, so that you are not totally over strained at the beginning.
Bir araştırma yapmaya karar verdiğinizde, ilk önce gerekli kaynakları üretmeniz gerekecektir. Neredeyse tüm araştırmalar belirtilen miktarlarda metal, kristal ve deuterium'a ihtiyaç duyar - gezegende yeterli kaynak yok ise, araştırma gri renkli gösterilecek ve araştırmaya yakalayamayacaksınız. İlk geminizi inşa edebilmeniz için, yanmalı motor takımına daha kesin bakmalısınız ve uygulama seviyesi 1 olmalıdır. Olay neredeyse binaları geliştirmek gibi olup araştırmalar da belirli zamana ihtiyaç duyar ve iptal edilebilir ve kaynaklarınızı geri alabilirsiniz. Ancak, tamamladığınız araştırmalar iptal edilemez.
If you have decided in favour of a research, you will only have to make the resources, which you will need, available. Nearly every research needs a specified amount of Metal, Crystal and Deuterium – if there are not enough resources on the planet, the research will appear gray-hatched and it will not be able to be started. In order to be able to build your first ship soon, you should look at the Combustion Drive more precisely and commission level 1. The event is nearly like improving buildings, researches also need a certain time, and they can be cancelled, by which you get your resources back. Completed researches cannot be cancelled.
1. Seviye yanmalı motor takımı ve son bölümde inşa edilmiş olan tersane ile, artık hafif avcıları ürete bileceksiniz. Ancak, ilk önce yanmalı motor takımının ikinci seviyesine ve ayrıca tersanemize kaynaklarınızı yatırmak daha mantıklıdır, çünkü küçük nakliye gemilerini üretmeye başlayacaksınız. Bu pratik gemiler ile, daha çok saldırıcı amaçlı olan hafif avcılara göre çok daha fazla kaynak taşıyabileceksiniz.
With the combustion drive on level 1 and the shipyard, which has been built in the last chapter, you are able to build Light Fighters, now. However it is more reasonable to invest first resources in the second level of the Combustion Drive and also in the shipyard, which will activate the Small Cargo. With that practical ship you are able to transport significantly more resources than with the Light Fighters, which are rather intended for attacks.
{{Eğitim Ödülü:|İlk küçük nakliye geminizi inşa ettiğinizde, ödül olarak 200 deuterium alacaksınız.}}
{{Infobox-Reward|As soon as you have built your first Small Cargo, you get 200 Deuterium as a reward.}}
Ayrıca, tüm diğer binaları, gemileri, savunma binalarını ve araştırma laboratuvarını etkinleştirebilirsiniz. Karşılamanız gereken şartları ilgili teknoloji ağacında bulabilirsiniz. Ancak, her yeri araştırmamalısınız, bunun yerine kendinize bir hedef belirlemeli ve binaları sırayla inşa etmelisiniz.
Like that you can now activate all other buildings, ships, defensive structures and researches. You can find the requirements, which must be achieved, in the respective Techtree. However, you should not research all over the place, but you should set yourself a target and activate one unit after the other.
==Birlikte daha iyi sonuçlar==
==You get on better together==
Maliyetin yanı sıra, araştırma süresi de önemlidir, çünkü bir defada sadece bir araştırma yapabilirsiniz. Tüm diğer araştırma planları sıraya alınacaktır. Bu süre bir taraftan teknoloji maliyetlerine diğer taraftan araştırma Laboratuvarının seviyesine bağlıdır - seviye yükseldikçe daha hızlı araştırma yapabilirsiniz.
Besides the cost, the duration of the research is also important because you can only do one research at a time. All the other research plans have to be queued up. On the one hand, this duration depends on the costs of the technology, but on the other hand on the level of the Research Lab – the higher level Lab is, the faster you can research.
Bu nedenle, gelişmiş bir araştırma Laboratuvarına sahip olduğunuzda yeni teknikleri yeterince hızlı etkinleştirebilecek siniz. Yalnız bu şekilde oyunda ilerlemeler kaydedebilirsiniz. Ancak unutmayın, araştırma yaparken Laboratuvarınızı geliştiremeyecek ve Laboratuvarınızı geliştirirken, araştırma yapamayacaksınız. Ayrıca, başlangıçta farklı gezegenlerde farklı laboratuvar faydasızdır, çünkü sadece bir laboratuvarda araştırma yapabilirsiniz ve şu anda farklı laboratuvar araştırma süresi üzerinde olumlu bir etkiye sahip olmayacaktır.
So, it is obvious, that you only will be able to activate new technologies fast enough if you have a well-improved Research Lab. Only like that you can advance in the game. But you have to bear in mind that, while researching, you are not able to improve the Lab, and while improving the Lab, you are not able to research. Furthermore, several Labs on different planets are useless, for a start, because you can research in only one Lab, and at the moment, several Labs do not have a positive effect on the research duration.
Daha sonra galaksiler arası araştırma ağını araştırdığınızda bu durum değişecektir. O andan itibaren, araştırmalarınızı hızlandırmak için laboratuvar birleştirilebilecektir. Her seviye için, bir başka laboratuvar birleştirilebilir; 3. seviyede farklı gezegenlerdeki 4 laboratuvar birlikte çalışabilir. laboratuvar seviyeleri sadece eklenebilir, 8. Seviyedeki 4 laboratuvar 32. seviyedeki bir laboratuvar ile aynıdır. Araştırma ağını geliştirerek, araştırma süresi kısalacaktır; her şeyden önce, bu oyunun ileri aşamaları için önemlidir, çünkü bazı teknik seviyeleri haftalar veya aylar alabilmektedir. Ancak, araştırmayı başlattığınız Laboratuvarın seviyesi hesaba dahil edilen ilk laboratuvar seviyesi olacağını aklınızda tutun. Başka bir gezegendeki en yüksek olan bundan sonra eklenecek, daha sonra ikinci en yüksek vs.
Later on that will be changed, once you have researched the Intergalactic Research Network. From now on, Labs can be combined, to accelerate your researches. Per level, a further Lab can be combined; on level 3 already 4 Labs work together on different planets. The Lab levels can just be added, 4 Labs on level 8 are the same as 1 Lab on level 32. By improving the Research Network, the research durations will be decreased; first of all, that is very important for the subsequent game progress, in which some technology levels can take weeks or months. Take notice however, that the level of the Lab that you start the research from will always be the first one to be added into the calculation. The highest one on another planet will be added after that, then the second highest etc.
| A Gezegeni - 10. Seviye Araştırma laboratuvarı
|Planet A - Research Laboratory level 10
| B Gezegeni - 12. Seviye Araştırma laboratuvarı
Planet B - Research Laboratory level 12
| Gezegeni - 8. Seviye Araştırma laboratuvarı
Planet C - Research Laboratory level 8
| C gezegeninde araştırmayı başlatmanız ve 1. seviye IRN (Galaksiler arası Araştırma Ağı)'ye sahip olmanız halinde, ilk olarak C gezegenindeki Laboratuvarı ( ve sonra ikinci en yüksek Laboratuvarı (bu durumda B gezegenindeki laboratuvar) hesaba katacaktır, sonuç olarak 20. Seviye laba sahip olacaksınız.
If you start the research on planet C and have IRN level 1, this will take into account the Lab on that planet as first, and then next highest Lab available (in this case the Lab at planet B - 12), so in total you will have a Lab of level 20.
| Dikkate etmeniz gereken başka bir nokta ise, bir Laboratuvarın IRN ile yapılacak araştırmaya dahil edilebilmesi için belirli bir seviyeye sahip olması gerektiğidir. 12. Seviye bir laboratuvar ve 3. Seviye başka bir laboratuvar, 1. seviye IRN'ye sahip ve Hiper uzay Tekniğini (7. Seviye laboratuvar gerektiren) araştırmaya başlarsanız, 3. Seviye laboratuvar araştırmaya dahil edilmeyecektir. Yani, 15. seviye (12+3) bir laboratuvar değil, 12. seviye bir laboratuvar ile çalışacaksınız.
Another thing to take care of is that a Lab has to have the required level in order to be included into researching via IRN. If you have a Lab at level 12, and a Lab at level 3, with IRN level 1 and start researching Hyperspace Technology (which requires a level 7 Lab), the level 3 Lab won't be included in the research. In other words, you will work with a level 12 Lab, not a level 15 (12+3) Lab.}}
==A collection of knowledge==
==A collection of knowledge==
Línea 36: Línea 35:
A total of 16 researches, which are separated in 4 arrangements, are at your command, and each of those has its own characteristic. We have specified and explained all researches here, so that you do not invest into a wrong direction. Some technologies only make sense, until they are on a certain level, because after that, they do not have any effects. You recognize them by the bracketed number, which specifies the maximum sensible level.
A total of 16 researches, which are separated in 4 arrangements, are at your command, and each of those has its own characteristic. We have specified and explained all researches here, so that you do not invest into a wrong direction. Some technologies only make sense, until they are on a certain level, because after that, they do not have any effects. You recognize them by the bracketed number, which specifies the maximum sensible level.
==Bilgi haznesi==
==Basic researches==
Most of these researches are mainly designed for activating other researches or units.
Most of these researches are mainly designed for activating other researches or units.
{{Detail-Research|Energy Technology|At the beginning it is only an important requirement for other researches, later it is important in combination with the fusion reactor, because its energy production significantly depends on this research.}}
{{Detail-Research|Energy Technology|At the beginning it is only an important requirement for other researches, later it is important in combination with the Fusion Reactor, because its energy production significantly depends on this research.}}
{{Detail-Research|Laser Technology|The laser technology is a requirement for some researches and ships, after activating the battlecruiser, it is completed.}}
{{Detail-Research|Laser Technology|The Laser Technology is a requirement for some researches and ships, after activating the Battlecruiser, it is completed.}}
{{Detail-Research|Ion Technology|The ion technology is only a requirement for the plasma technology and cruisers. Furthermore, every new level of this technology decreases the cost to deconstruct a building by 4%, until you reach level 25 where the whole process will be for free; the new life for this technology was given by 8th OGame anniversary week (22/11/2012).}}
{{Detail-Research|Ion Technology|The Ion Technology is only a requirement for the Plasma Technology and Cruisers. Furthermore, every new level of this technology decreases the cost to deconstruct a building by 4%, until you reach level 25 where the whole process will be for free; the new life for this technology was given by 8th OGame anniversary week (22/11/2012).}}
{{Detail-Research|Hyperspace Technology|It is an important research, which is required for improving the intergalactic research network and for researching the hyperspace drive.}}
{{Detail-Research|Hyperspace Technology|It is an important research, which is required for improving the Intergalactic Research Network and for researching the Hyperspace Drive.}}
{{Detail-Research|Plasma Technology|The plasma technology is an important requirement for bombers and for the strongest defensive structure, the plasma turret. Thanks to the 7th anniversary week (15/11/2012) the plasma technology had a grow up; every level will give a production upgrade to the metal and crystal mines.
{{Detail-Research|Plasma Technology|The Plasma Technology is an important requirement for Bombers and for the strongest defensive structure, the Plasma Turret.
Every new level of this technology will increase the metal production by 1% and an 0.66% increase to the crystal production.}}
Since OGame 6.1.7 update, Plasma Technology had a grow up; every level will give a production upgrade to the Metal, Crystal and Deuterium mines.
Every new level of this technology will increase by a 1% the metal, a 0.66% to the Crystal and a 0.33% to the deuterium production.}}
==Drive researches==
==Drive researches==
Any ship needs a drive to move in the universe – the type depends on the ship. But, the drive researches are not only important to activate ships; each level also heightens their flying speed.
Any ship needs a drive to move in the universe – the type depends on the ship. But, the drive researches are not only important to activate ships each level also heightens their flying speed.
{{Detail-Research|Combustion Drive|Light fighters, espionage probes, recyclers and small (until you research impulse drive level 5) and large cargoes fly with combustion drive. Every level of the research heightens the basic speed of those ships by 10 %.}}
{{Detail-Research|Combustion Drive|Light Fighters, Espionage Probes, Recyclers, Small Cargos (until you research Impulse Drive level 5) and Large Cargos fly with Combustion Drive. Each level of this research will add 10% of the basic value to the maximum speed of these ships.}}
{{Detail-Research|Impulse Drive|This research speeds up heavy fighters, colony ships, cruisers, bombers (until you research hyperspace drive level 8 ), as well as interplanetary missiles, about which we will talk in a different chapter. Each of these ships gains 20% more speed per level. As soon as level 5 is finished, the small cargo starts using the impulse drive.}}
{{Detail-Research|Impulse Drive|This research speeds up Small Cargos (once you reach level 5), Heavy Fighters, Colony Ships, Cruisers, Bombers (until you research Hyperspace Drive level 8), Recyclers (once you reach level 17) as well as Interplanetary Missiles, about which we will talk in a different chapter. Each level of this research will add 20% of the basic value to the maximum speed of these ships.}}
{{Detail-Research|Hyperspace Drive|Battleships, battlecruisers, destroyers and deathstars use this drive. As soon as it is researched to level 8, the bomber is also fit with hyperspace drive. These ships will be sped up by 30 % for each level of hyperspace drive researched.}}
{{Detail-Research|Hyperspace Drive|Battleships, Battlecruisers, Destroyers, Deathstars, Bombers (once you reach level 8) and Recyclers (once you reach level 15) use this drive. Each level of this research will add 30% of the basic value to the maximum speed of these ships.}}
==Advanced researches==
==Advanced researches==
Línea 59: Línea 59:
The advanced researches are not only requirements for important game elements; they also upgrade lots of central features of the account.
The advanced researches are not only requirements for important game elements; they also upgrade lots of central features of the account.
{{Detail-Research|Espionage Technology|You need this research to build espionage probes and to be able to spy on other players. You can find more about that in the chapter {{Link|Tutorial:Espionage}}.}}
{{Detail-Research|Espionage Technology|You need this research to build Espionage Probes and to be able to spy on other players. You can find more about that in the chapter {{Link|Tutorial:Espionage}}.}}
{{Detail-Research|Computer Technology|For each new level of the computer technology, you can dispatch one more fleet at the same time. Furthermore, not till level 10 you will be able to build a nanite factory.}}
{{Detail-Research|Computer Technology|Each level of Computer Technology enables you to send one more fleet. In
addition to this, Nanite Factory is unlocked once you reach level 10.}}
{{Detail-Research|Astrophysics|On the one hand that research impacts on the expeditions and on the other hand on the number of colonies. What exactly, you will find in the according chapter {{Link|Tutorial:Expeditions}} and {{Link|Tutorial:Colonisation}}.}}
{{Detail-Research|Astrophysics|On the one hand that research impacts on the expeditions and on the other hand on the number of colonies. What exactly, you will find in the according chapter {{Link|Tutorial:Expeditions}} and {{Link|Tutorial:Colonisation}}.}}
{{Detail-Research|Intergalactic Research Network|As defined in detail in this chapter, the IRN allows you to connect several research labs (depending on it's level) and thus reduces the research time needed.}}
{{Detail-Research|Intergalactic Research Network|As defined in detail in this chapter, the IRN allows you to connect several Research Labs (depending on its level) and thus reduces the research time needed.}}
{{Detail-Research|Graviton Technology|The graviton technology enables to build the deathstar, the mightiest ship in OGame. There is an own chapter for it, because it has some specialities compared to other researches.}}
{{Detail-Research|Graviton Technology|The Graviton Technology enables to build the Deathstar, the mightiest ship in OGame. There is an own chapter for it, because it has some specialities compared to other researches.}}
==Combat researches==
==Combat researches==
The number of ships and defences aren't the only thing that makes a difference in a battle. The combat researches also play a great role in the outcome of one, which is why they should not be disregarded.  
The number of ships and defenses aren't the only thing that makes a difference in a battle. The Combat researches also play a great role in the outcome of one, which is why they should not be disregarded.
{{Detail-Research|Armour Technology|It heightens the structure of all ships and defense structures by 10 % of the basic value, so those can take more shots.}}
{{Detail-Research|Armour Technology|The effectiveness of the Armour can be increased by 10% per level.}}
{{Detail-Research|Weapons Technology|With every level of that research, the weapons of your ships and defensive structures will cause 10% more damage.}}
{{Detail-Research|Weapons Technology|Each level of Weapons Technology increases the weapon strength of units by 10% of the base value.}}
{{Detail-Research|Shielding Technology|It tightens the shield of all units by 10% per level, so less damage can reach the armour.}}
{{Detail-Research|Shielding Technology|Each level of Shielding Technology increases the strength of the shields by 10% of the base value.}}

Última revisión de 21:15 6 dic 2017

If you want to advance in OGame, you cannot limit yourself to buildings and battle units. You also have to spend time on research, because by acquiring new knowledge through research, you will be able to build more powerful ships and colonize more planets. So always remember to invest in research while upgrading your empire, in order not to fall behind in comparison to the other players.

[editar] The power of knowledge

The research system of OGame is actually straight-lined and easy to understand. First of all, you have to build a Research Lab, which you can find at the Facilities. After that you already can see the list of researches. At the moment, most of the researches are colored gray; that means that the requirements are not met. Lots of researches require a Research Lab on at least a certain level or another research on level x, before those are activated – one click on the belonging Techtree provides some clarity. This principle ensures that researches can only be achieved little by little, so that you are not totally over strained at the beginning.

If you have decided in favour of a research, you will only have to make the resources, which you will need, available. Nearly every research needs a specified amount of Metal, Crystal and Deuterium – if there are not enough resources on the planet, the research will appear gray-hatched and it will not be able to be started. In order to be able to build your first ship soon, you should look at the Combustion Drive more precisely and commission level 1. The event is nearly like improving buildings, researches also need a certain time, and they can be cancelled, by which you get your resources back. Completed researches cannot be cancelled.

With the combustion drive on level 1 and the shipyard, which has been built in the last chapter, you are able to build Light Fighters, now. However it is more reasonable to invest first resources in the second level of the Combustion Drive and also in the shipyard, which will activate the Small Cargo. With that practical ship you are able to transport significantly more resources than with the Light Fighters, which are rather intended for attacks.

Tutorial Reward:
As soon as you have built your first Small Cargo, you get 200 Deuterium as a reward.

Like that you can now activate all other buildings, ships, defensive structures and researches. You can find the requirements, which must be achieved, in the respective Techtree. However, you should not research all over the place, but you should set yourself a target and activate one unit after the other.

[editar] You get on better together

Besides the cost, the duration of the research is also important because you can only do one research at a time. All the other research plans have to be queued up. On the one hand, this duration depends on the costs of the technology, but on the other hand on the level of the Research Lab – the higher level Lab is, the faster you can research.

So, it is obvious, that you only will be able to activate new technologies fast enough if you have a well-improved Research Lab. Only like that you can advance in the game. But you have to bear in mind that, while researching, you are not able to improve the Lab, and while improving the Lab, you are not able to research. Furthermore, several Labs on different planets are useless, for a start, because you can research in only one Lab, and at the moment, several Labs do not have a positive effect on the research duration.

Later on that will be changed, once you have researched the Intergalactic Research Network. From now on, Labs can be combined, to accelerate your researches. Per level, a further Lab can be combined; on level 3 already 4 Labs work together on different planets. The Lab levels can just be added, 4 Labs on level 8 are the same as 1 Lab on level 32. By improving the Research Network, the research durations will be decreased; first of all, that is very important for the subsequent game progress, in which some technology levels can take weeks or months. Take notice however, that the level of the Lab that you start the research from will always be the first one to be added into the calculation. The highest one on another planet will be added after that, then the second highest etc.

For example:
Planet A - Research Laboratory level 10

Planet B - Research Laboratory level 12 Planet C - Research Laboratory level 8

If you start the research on planet C and have IRN level 1, this will take into account the Lab on that planet as first, and then next highest Lab available (in this case the Lab at planet B - 12), so in total you will have a Lab of level 20. Another thing to take care of is that a Lab has to have the required level in order to be included into researching via IRN. If you have a Lab at level 12, and a Lab at level 3, with IRN level 1 and start researching Hyperspace Technology (which requires a level 7 Lab), the level 3 Lab won't be included in the research. In other words, you will work with a level 12 Lab, not a level 15 (12+3) Lab.

[editar] A collection of knowledge

A total of 16 researches, which are separated in 4 arrangements, are at your command, and each of those has its own characteristic. We have specified and explained all researches here, so that you do not invest into a wrong direction. Some technologies only make sense, until they are on a certain level, because after that, they do not have any effects. You recognize them by the bracketed number, which specifies the maximum sensible level.

[editar] Basic researches

Most of these researches are mainly designed for activating other researches or units.

Energy Technology
At the beginning it is only an important requirement for other researches, later it is important in combination with the Fusion Reactor, because its energy production significantly depends on this research.
Energy Technology
Research Lab 1

Laser Technology (12)
The Laser Technology is a requirement for some researches and ships, after activating the Battlecruiser, it is completed.
Laser Technology
Research Lab 1
Energy Technology 2

Ion Technology
The Ion Technology is only a requirement for the Plasma Technology and Cruisers. Furthermore, every new level of this technology decreases the cost to deconstruct a building by 4%, until you reach level 25 where the whole process will be for free; the new life for this technology was given by 8th OGame anniversary week (22/11/2012).
Ion Technology
Research Lab 4
Energy Technology 2
Laser Technology 5

Hyperspace Technology (8)
It is an important research, which is required for improving the Intergalactic Research Network and for researching the Hyperspace Drive.
Hyperspace Technology
Research Lab 7
Laser Technology 5
Shielding Technology 5

Plasma Technology
The Plasma Technology is an important requirement for Bombers and for the strongest defensive structure, the Plasma Turret.

Since OGame 6.1.7 update, Plasma Technology had a grow up; every level will give a production upgrade to the Metal, Crystal and Deuterium mines.

Every new level of this technology will increase by a 1% the metal, a 0.66% to the Crystal and a 0.33% to the deuterium production.
Plasma Technology
Research Lab 4
Energy Technology 8
Laser Technology 10
Ion Technology 5

[editar] Drive researches

Any ship needs a drive to move in the universe – the type depends on the ship. But, the drive researches are not only important to activate ships each level also heightens their flying speed.

Combustion Drive
Light Fighters, Espionage Probes, Recyclers, Small Cargos (until you research Impulse Drive level 5) and Large Cargos fly with Combustion Drive. Each level of this research will add 10% of the basic value to the maximum speed of these ships.
Combustion Drive
Research Lab 1
Energy Technology 1

Impulse Drive
This research speeds up Small Cargos (once you reach level 5), Heavy Fighters, Colony Ships, Cruisers, Bombers (until you research Hyperspace Drive level 8), Recyclers (once you reach level 17) as well as Interplanetary Missiles, about which we will talk in a different chapter. Each level of this research will add 20% of the basic value to the maximum speed of these ships.
Impulse Drive
Research Lab 2
Energy Technology 1

Hyperspace Drive
Battleships, Battlecruisers, Destroyers, Deathstars, Bombers (once you reach level 8) and Recyclers (once you reach level 15) use this drive. Each level of this research will add 30% of the basic value to the maximum speed of these ships.
Hyperspace Drive
Research Lab 7
Energy Technology 5
Hyperspace Technology 3
Shielding Technology 6

[editar] Advanced researches

The advanced researches are not only requirements for important game elements; they also upgrade lots of central features of the account.

Espionage Technology
You need this research to build Espionage Probes and to be able to spy on other players. You can find more about that in the chapter Espionage.
Espionage Technology
Research Lab 3

Computer Technology
Each level of Computer Technology enables you to send one more fleet. In addition to this, Nanite Factory is unlocked once you reach level 10.
Computer Technology
Research Lab 1

On the one hand that research impacts on the expeditions and on the other hand on the number of colonies. What exactly, you will find in the according chapter Expeditions and Colonisation.
Research Lab 3
Energy Technology 1
Impulse Drive 3
Espionage Technology 4

Intergalactic Research Network
As defined in detail in this chapter, the IRN allows you to connect several Research Labs (depending on its level) and thus reduces the research time needed.
Intergalactic Research Network
Research Lab 10
Energy Technology 5
Hyperspace Technology 8
Computer Technology 8
Shielding Technology 5

Graviton Technology (1)
The Graviton Technology enables to build the Deathstar, the mightiest ship in OGame. There is an own chapter for it, because it has some specialities compared to other researches.
Graviton Technology
Research Lab 12

[editar] Combat researches

The number of ships and defenses aren't the only thing that makes a difference in a battle. The Combat researches also play a great role in the outcome of one, which is why they should not be disregarded.

Armour Technology
The effectiveness of the Armour can be increased by 10% per level.
Armour Technology
Research Lab 2

Weapons Technology
Each level of Weapons Technology increases the weapon strength of units by 10% of the base value.
Weapons Technology
Research Lab 4

Shielding Technology
Each level of Shielding Technology increases the strength of the shields by 10% of the base value.
Shielding Technology
Research Lab 6
Energy Technology 3

Herramientas personales
Espacios de nombres
