Tutorial:First steps

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Isprva Ogame bi se mogao učiniti zbunjujućim, pogotovo za one koji nisu navikli na igre preko browsera. Iako Ogame nije prva pretraživačka igra u kojoj je normalno da se pojave problemi i pitanja, te da početnici ne mogu znati sve. Mi želimo pružiti pomoć svima kako bi lakše naučili sve o Ogameu na jednostavan i brz način.
In the beginning OGame might be a little confusing, for any new player, even if this is not his first online multiplayer game but especially for those who are not use to browser games. But even if OGame is not the first browser game one plays, it is normal for problems and questions to show up, and that a newcomer does not know everything. We want to provide help for both groups in order to make it easier to learn everything about OGame in a pleasant and easy way. In the spirit of the words of Douglas Adams: "DON'T PANIC", all will become clear after reading this tutorial.
Mi nismo napravili ovaj projekt kao zamjenu za Ingame Vodič koji ste možda primjetili u igri, nego već kao dodatak za njega. Ako pratite njegove razrađene i ilustrirane zadatke dobit ćete vrijedne nagrade dok izgrađujete svoje Carstvo. Ovdje ćete pronaći potrebne informacije za početak i manje-više sve informacije koje su vam potrebne kako biste kasnije bili uspješni u Ogameu.
We did not create this project as a replacement for the in-game Tutorial, which you may have noticed in the game, but as an addition to it. By working along the game's tutorial you will nonetheless receive the rewards given for various important milestones while building up your Empire. Here, in wiki, you will find the detailed and illustrated information needed in the beginning and, moreover, all the information you may need to be successful in further stages of OGame.
Ako je ovo vaša prva browser igra, onda postoje neke značajke i vještine koje biste trebali što brže svladati kako biste osjetili zadovoljstvo te opstali u ovoj igri. Za razliku od ostalih uobičajenih računalnih igara, Ogame se nastavlja i onda dok niste za računalom. To znači da dok ste na poslu ili pak spavate, tisuće drugih igrača mogu biti online u vašem univerzumu i biti u mogućnosti napasti vas. Ogame, doduše ne treba dodatne programe, već ga možete igrati sa bilo kojeg računala/mobitela sa internetom i browserom. Ipak svatko mora razmišljati strateški, jer ne postoji mogućnost save, reload ili End Game kao u ostalim računalnim igrama. Ali nema razloga za brigu - ovaj vodič pružit će vam sve informacije koje su vam potrebne te ne zahtjevaju puno vremena za navikavanje.
If this is your first browser game, then there are some special features of this type of game you will need to pick up very fast to be able to feel the pleasure of gaming and survive in game. Contrary to conventional computer games OGame continues even if you are not sitting at the computer. This means that while you work or sleep, thousands of other players may be online in your universe and are able to attack you as well. OGame does not need any additional software, and you can play OGame at any computer, mobile phone or tablet with a web-browser and a connection to the internet. One needs to think more strategically than in a normal game where you can save, reload or end a game. But don't worry - this tutorial will provide you with every bit of information you may need and it will not take a long time to get use to it.
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Kao u svakoj igri preporučeno je upoznavanje sa sučeljem igre. Možete probati različite opcije i vidjeti što se nalazi iza svakog izbornika, bez ikakvog rizika. Jedan od najvažnijih elemenata koji zahvaća pogled korisnika su različiti resursi na vrhu stranice - Ogame se većinom vrti oko tih resursa. Metal, Kristal i Deuterij potrebni su za gradnju zgrada i jedinica, kao i za istraživanja. Energija se uglavnom koristi za rad rudnika. Peti resurs - Crna Materija - igra posebnu ulogu, te ćete biti kasnije upoznati u poglavlju "premium features".
Like in every other game it is recommended to get an idea of the interface at first. You may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you are presented with, but you will become accustomed to it very quickly.  
Na lijevoj strani smješteni su glavni izbornici igre. Klikom na svaki od njih možete pristupiti podizbornicima te vidjeti stanje vašeg Carstva i galaksije. Ovi izbornici dopuštaju vam izgradnju zgrada resursa, objekata, brodova, obrane, istraživanja, slanja misija, komunikaciju s drugim igračima ili kupovinu "premium features".
Up top, your eyes are immediately drawn to the different resources you possess. Metal, Crystal and Deuterium are necessary for the construction of buildings, ships and conducting research. Generally Energy is used to run the Mines. The fifth resource - Dark Matter - plays a special role and will be introduced later in the chapter {{Link|Tutorial:Premium features}}.
Daljnji zadaci vodiča detaljno će se pozabaviti tim pitanjima. Tipka Galaksija vodi do mape sa planetima i sistemima vašeg Univerzuma. Taj dio će doći do izražaja malo kasnije tokom igre. Sistem poruka možete pronaći klikom na ikonu ispod resursa. "Imperij" i "Unajmi oficira" bit će objašnjeni kasnije u poglavlju "premium features".
Along the left of the page are the main game menus. Behind each one you can find vital information about the state of your empire, and universe you play in. These menus allow you to construct resource buildings, facilities, ships, defense, conduct research, launch missions, communicate with other players, or purchase the premium features. Each of these options will be covered further by this tutorial. Beneath this menu you will find an "envelope". This is your direct link to the messaging system where you can communicate with others, read fleet reports, alliance messages or other reports shared by your friends and allies or generated by the system as you play. It will glow and show a number when there is new mail to be read. Next to the letter symbol you can see the chat symbol where you can find all personal messages from your alliance mates, buddies or even strangers.
Ako sada pogledate sučelje možete primjetiti listu planeta na desnoj strani. Na početku je prikazan samo jedan planet, ali kasnije tokom igre jednostavno je prebacivanje između kolonija. Na vrhu stranice možete pronaći još jedan red izbornika uključujući statistike, opcije itd. Usporednu sa njima na dnu stranice možete pronaći još izbornika - trebali biste obratiti pozornost na Pravila i Forum.
On the right hand side of the page is a direct link to each planet you will come to own. Currently you have only one, but in time as you colonise more planets this list will allow you to navigate through your colonies with ease.
Zbog činjenice da ne postoji stvarni cilj u OGame - što znači da igra ne završava postizanjem nekog određenog cilja - igrač se nalazi u stalnom natjecanju sa ostalim igračima u univerzumu. Da bi bili uspješni morate prikupiti što više sredstava je moguće, te ih uložiti u svoj račun. Da biste postigli taj cilj možete rudariti, trgovati sa ostalim igračima ili možete napadati svoje protivnike i krasti njihove resurse dok u isto vrijeme morate čuvati svoje resurse od drugih.  
At the very top and at the bottom of your game window one can find another ledge including links to the high-scores, options, support, forum, game rules and other important information. Upon completion of this tutorial It would be wise to check these out. In the lower right corner you can see a chat bar for personal messages similar to the one from Facebook that can be opened or closed by a single click on the bar.
U slijedećem poglavlju pokazat ćemo vam kako započeti gradnju svog prvog rudnika. {{Link|Tutorial:Basic economy}}  
Due to the fact that there is no real end game goal in OGame - which means the game does not end at a specific point by achieving something special - the gamer finds himself in a constant competition with every other gamer playing in the universe, loosing and winning, learning and progressing through ranks. To be successful, you have to gather as many resources as possible and invest them into your account. In order to achieve this goal you can either mine them on your planets, trade with other players or you can assault your competitors and steal their resources, whilst at the same time defend your resources from others. All of this again will be covered in the tutorial, so have no fear, all will become clear.
In the next chapter {{Link|Tutorial:Basic economy}} we are going to start by showing you how to build your first mine.

Latest revision as of 18:36, 15 July 2016

In the beginning OGame might be a little confusing, for any new player, even if this is not his first online multiplayer game but especially for those who are not use to browser games. But even if OGame is not the first browser game one plays, it is normal for problems and questions to show up, and that a newcomer does not know everything. We want to provide help for both groups in order to make it easier to learn everything about OGame in a pleasant and easy way. In the spirit of the words of Douglas Adams: "DON'T PANIC", all will become clear after reading this tutorial.

We did not create this project as a replacement for the in-game Tutorial, which you may have noticed in the game, but as an addition to it. By working along the game's tutorial you will nonetheless receive the rewards given for various important milestones while building up your Empire. Here, in wiki, you will find the detailed and illustrated information needed in the beginning and, moreover, all the information you may need to be successful in further stages of OGame.

If this is your first browser game, then there are some special features of this type of game you will need to pick up very fast to be able to feel the pleasure of gaming and survive in game. Contrary to conventional computer games OGame continues even if you are not sitting at the computer. This means that while you work or sleep, thousands of other players may be online in your universe and are able to attack you as well. OGame does not need any additional software, and you can play OGame at any computer, mobile phone or tablet with a web-browser and a connection to the internet. One needs to think more strategically than in a normal game where you can save, reload or end a game. But don't worry - this tutorial will provide you with every bit of information you may need and it will not take a long time to get use to it.

[edit] Getting a feel for OGame


Like in every other game it is recommended to get an idea of the interface at first. You may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you are presented with, but you will become accustomed to it very quickly.

Up top, your eyes are immediately drawn to the different resources you possess. Metal, Crystal and Deuterium are necessary for the construction of buildings, ships and conducting research. Generally Energy is used to run the Mines. The fifth resource - Dark Matter - plays a special role and will be introduced later in the chapter Premium features.

Main menu
Main menu
New messages
New messages

Along the left of the page are the main game menus. Behind each one you can find vital information about the state of your empire, and universe you play in. These menus allow you to construct resource buildings, facilities, ships, defense, conduct research, launch missions, communicate with other players, or purchase the premium features. Each of these options will be covered further by this tutorial. Beneath this menu you will find an "envelope". This is your direct link to the messaging system where you can communicate with others, read fleet reports, alliance messages or other reports shared by your friends and allies or generated by the system as you play. It will glow and show a number when there is new mail to be read. Next to the letter symbol you can see the chat symbol where you can find all personal messages from your alliance mates, buddies or even strangers.

Planet overview
Planet overview
More links
More links

On the right hand side of the page is a direct link to each planet you will come to own. Currently you have only one, but in time as you colonise more planets this list will allow you to navigate through your colonies with ease.

At the very top and at the bottom of your game window one can find another ledge including links to the high-scores, options, support, forum, game rules and other important information. Upon completion of this tutorial It would be wise to check these out. In the lower right corner you can see a chat bar for personal messages similar to the one from Facebook that can be opened or closed by a single click on the bar.

Due to the fact that there is no real end game goal in OGame - which means the game does not end at a specific point by achieving something special - the gamer finds himself in a constant competition with every other gamer playing in the universe, loosing and winning, learning and progressing through ranks. To be successful, you have to gather as many resources as possible and invest them into your account. In order to achieve this goal you can either mine them on your planets, trade with other players or you can assault your competitors and steal their resources, whilst at the same time defend your resources from others. All of this again will be covered in the tutorial, so have no fear, all will become clear.

In the next chapter Basic economy we are going to start by showing you how to build your first mine.

Personal tools
